Austral Alloys has a wide range of solutions available, please select one of the images below for further information on the specifications and products which Austral Alloys has produced.
Material Specifications
Below are tables which provide information on the material specifications of the Alloys which are poured at Austral Alloys. For Further information please scroll through and select the category you would like further information about.
Nickel based alloys
Duplex Stainless Steel
The manufacture of high quality of Duplex Stainless Steel castings necessitates a precise balance of chemistry, processing and heat treatment to achieve the mechanical properties and pitting resistance required by the relevant international standards. Precise control of chemistry, including nitrogen as well as after-cast and heat treatment processes are all critical factors in producing Duplex & Super Duplex castings in section sizes up to 300mm.

Austral Alloys has specifically developed software to enable it to balance the Ferrite, Austenite and pitting resistance equivalent (PREn) prior to casting, thus achieving consistent results. Combined with specialised heat treatment programs which are section size specific, Austral Alloys is able to consistently produce high quality castings for, amongst other things, offshore oil and gas production to NORSOK 650M and for use in high pressure acid leach applications.